Monday, July 8, 2013

A week away from tech!

Seven days from tonight, we will be starting tech week! That is both incredibly exciting and also somewhat terrifying. Not terrifying because I don't feel that we'll be ready, because I'm confident that by opening, we're going to have a fantastic show! But terrifying because at the end of tech week, I know that as a director, it's time for me to let go. And because I know we still have quite a bit of work to do in the next week.
The past little bit, we've had nothing but rain, which makes it really difficult to do any building in an outdoor space. Or any rehearsing, for that matter. Luckily, we've been able to have access to the high school on some of these rainy days, so we've done some rehearsing in the cafeteria. We've also met at A Common Ground Coffee Shop to do some line work a few nights.
But despite the nasty weather, we've still been able to get some things done. We got our posters back from our printer and have gotten over 40 posted around the area!

We're getting a bit of construction done, as well. There are several set pieces that I found while I was shopping that I fell absolutely in love with, but were just too expensive, so since we can't have the real thing, we've been building away!

Guess what this is going to be!
 We still have some set construction to do, but I'm hoping that will be finished up in the next couple of days.

Also, I recently did an interview with Whitley County Insight about The Wildwood Theatre, so you can check that out on their youtube channel!

Final update for this post is on rehearsals. Actors have been off book as of this past Friday, so we're finally going to be able to rehearse without scripts in hands! I'm excited about finally getting to work on physicality a little more. There's only so much you can do when your hands are full and your eyes are on your script. I think having scripts off stage will free the actors up a lot to be a lot more natural and expressive on stage.
The next two rehearsals, we'll be doing some work on individual scenes and looking at specific moments that need work. Then this Thursday and Friday, we'll be running Act 1, then Act 2, making sure our scenes are transitioning smoothly. Then begins tech week, where we'll be introducing costumes and lights and sound and all kinds of other exciting things!
So, much more to come! As always, if you're interested in being a part of the show, don't hesitate to let me know! We can always use volunteers! And please help us spread the word!  We would love to have a huge crowd for our debut production. We're going to have a fantastic show, so be sure to come!

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